Virginia’s First Congressional District Needs Representation, Not a Lap Dog

It’s past time that Virginia’s First Congressional District had some real representation that is accountable to district constituents and not party bosses such as Eric Cantor (R-VA). Since December 13, 2007, Rob Wittman (R-VA) has made sure that the 7th Congressional District gets two representatives and the 1st gets none.

Wittman has pretty much done Cantor’s bidding, resembling more of a lap dog and not an elected representative from Virginia’s First Congressional District.

A lap dog is defined as “one eager to do another’s bidding, especially in order to maintain a position of privilege or favor.” Sounds like Wittman to me.

Let’s compare Wittman and Cantor’s voting records:

Rob Wittman and Eric Cantor have voted together 1657 times on roll call votes since January, 2007 in votes where neither abstained, representing a voting similarity of 93%.

So, Wittman has done Cantor’s bidding 1657 times or 93% of the time. One thing should be clear: Wittman is working for Cantor and not his constituents. We need and deserve our own congressman!

I, for one, am sick and tired of having no representation. If you’re sick and tired too, Krystal Ball (D-Fredericksburg) is ready and more then able to serve! We don’t need a lap dog, but a congressman!

3 Comments on “Virginia’s First Congressional District Needs Representation, Not a Lap Dog

  1. And please tell me this, who is Krystal ball going to be a lap dog of Pelosi? Obama?, he beliefs are even further left then both of theirs, and she has no chance of winning, November will be fun.