Humor: Simpsons Billionaire Wins NYC Mayoral Race (In Write-In Votes)

C Montgomery Burns, star of the hit animated TV series “The Simpsons,” garnered the most write-in votes in last month’s NYC mayoral race, easily beating out Abraham Lincoln, Adam West (a.k.a. Batman), Derek Jeter, Mickey Mouse, Rodney Dangerfield, Sleeping Beauty and Someone Worth Voting For.

Apparently this was conceived by two New Yorkers who went through the trouble of putting together an entire website for the campaign at

You can even find a 7-point plan on fixing NYC. Perhaps one my favorites is his “Four Borough Economic Recovery Plan:”

Charles Montgomery Burns proposes a simple and effective plan to turn New York’s current deficit into a hefty surplus.

New Yorkers don’t usually see eye to eye but if there is one thing the residents of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and the Bronx can agree on is that they can do without Staten Island.

Real New Yorkers know that Staten Island is the dead weight of the city, more akin to New Jersey than to the Empire State.

It takes the great vision of Charles Montgomery Burns to turn this self evident truth into hard cash for real New Yorkers. Staten Island has been appraised at over $10 billion.

That’s enough to plug up the current budget deficit, with plenty left to spend on schools, affordable housing, and construction of the proposed state-of the-art Wlliamsburg Nuclear Power Plant.

Burns. Here to fix our problems.