Exhibit A: LMFAO Reenact Mitt Romney Incident

For those not paying attention, Sky Blu of the electro-funksters LMFAO was recently involved in an incident with Mitt Romney aboard a Vancouver flight after the group performed at the 2010 Winter Olympics.

From TMZ:

According to a video confessional from LMFAO’s Sky Blu, it all started when he leaned his seat back while the plane was still on the tarmac … and Romney, who was sitting behind him, started yelling at him to put his seat back up.

Sky Blu claims Romney then reached forward and grabbed his shoulder … and in turn, he hit the Presidential wannabeen’s forehead. Shortly after, authorities boarded the plane and escorted Sky Blu off the flight … and the other member of LMFAO got it all on tape.

In a recent visit with MTV, Sky Blue and fellow bandmate Redfoo (who played the part of Romney) decided to reenact the events (an entertaining, but not a factual depiction of the event itself). Enjoy!