Hap Connors for Chancellor Supervisor, Spotsylvania County
During this election season, I’ve had my hands full with trying to cover the many races in Stafford County; however, I believe that Hap Connors deserves everyone’s attention.
I’ve known Hap for some time and I can tell you that there isn’t a better human being or more effective Supervisor than him. My only wish is that Hap would move to Stafford County.
Although Hap runs as an independent candidate, he is adored by Republicans, Democrats and independents.
Instead of talking about creating jobs, Hap has actually done it – 3700 since 2008, during the deepest part of the financial crisis. He has also fought for investments in education, higher teacher pay and smaller classrooms. He understands that a strong school system is an economic incentive for businesses and families – something many elected officials in Stafford County can’t seem to comprehend.
In addition to making key investments in education, he has also invested in other core services such as public safety and transportation. Hap has made all of this happen while cutting $60 million from Spotsylvania’s budget over the last two years, cutting taxes for small businesses, seniors and veterans and keeping real estate taxes among the lowest in the region.
Hap understands how to govern using a balanced approach and how to effectively cross party lines to get things done!
We need more Hap Connors in government. You don’t have to take this Democrat’s word for it.
Just how widely respected is Hap Connors? The former chairman of the Spotsylvania County Republican Committee, Fitz Johnson, has gone against his party’s endorsee and publicly endorsed Hap:
As a former chairman of the Spotsylvania County Republican Committee, I understand the need to recruit candidates to run for office. But why would anyone want to recruit someone to run against Chancellor Supervisor Hap Connors? He’s one of the best board members we have in Spotsylvania.
I have gotten to know Hap, and as a businessman I can tell you if you want to get things done, see Hap. He’s a straight shooter who works hard to do what’s best for the people of Spotsylvania.
He has fought for investments that make our county great–strong schools, safe streets, and better conditions to attract new businesses and jobs. Hap has done this while keeping real estate taxes low–22 cents lower than Stafford County’s–and while increasing the county’s credit rating.
I am a conservative Republican who votes almost exclusively for Republicans. But I am supporting Hap Connors, a pragmatic, common-sense independent with a strong pro-business record. Hap is focused on getting things done and serving the public, not on party politics and political rhetoric.
On November 8, 2011, vote for Hap Connors for Chancellor Supervisor in Spotsylvania County!
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